SASS Premier Scoring & Match Management System


Q Can the program be setup on a network?
A Yes, with a couple of minor changes the you can set the system up on a network.  See setting up a network.
Q How many stages can be scored?
A The SASS Premier scoring system can score up to 16 stages.  If it becomes necessary more stages will be added.

Can the program be used on more than one computer?

A Yes, as long as the computers belong to the same club there is no problem loading the program on multiple systems.  You will however need to get a subscription code for each computer.
Q What about bonuses on stages?
A The program allows you to setup for any type of bonus.  In the Match setup you can enter the bonus amount next to the stage, then when scoring that stage will show up as having a bonus and all the person entering scores has to do is enter a number into the bonus box say a 1 and the system will times that by the amount you entered into the bonus section of the setup.
Q I entered scores into the system and when I printed the reports one of the stages showed up with zeros, what happened?
A In the match setup section there is a check box that will allow you to eliminate a stage.  If this box is checked that stage will be set to zeros.  The reason for this is if for some reason you need to eliminate a stage from your match, say do to bad weather and your match was cancelled on the last day you only need to check the box next to the stages you wish to eliminate.
Q I want to setup a category for tenderfoots that want to try this fun sport.  I don't want these shooters to show up in my match final report, is there anyway to do this?

Yes, when you setup the category you will notice a check box next to the category description, if this box is checked that category will not show up in the match final report but will show up in the category report.

Q I want to post the scores to our clubs website, does the program have a way to easily do this?
A Yes, the program comes with a PDF converter that will take the match final reports and convert them into a PDF format that can be easily posted to the web.  The program can also convert the reports into a HTML format.
Q Our club has an annual match that has over 400 shooters, how long does it take to enter the scores?

That depends on when you enter the scores, if you wait until the days shoot is complete before you start entering scores it can take a couple of hours.  However if you pick up your score sheets during the match and enter them as posse finish shooting the stages you will be finished shortly after your last posse finishes.

EOT has well over 700 shooters each year and using the SASS Premier scoring system we have the days scores posted within a half hour of the last shot being fired and this is using only one person entering scores and another proofing them.

Q Can I post the days scores without showing any ranking?
A Yes, you can post the proof list which shows the posses and times but no ranking.
Q How much does the program cost and where can I purchase it?

The program cost $325.00 plus S&H and can be purchased through SASS, or through this website, select the SASS Premier Scoring Sytstem below or by e-mailing CD Tom.

Q Is there any additional cost?
A There is an annual maintenance of $100.00 per year after the first year, you don't have to subscribe to the maintenance but without it you will not received the program updates and any technical support.


SASS Premier Scoring System

 This site designed by
CD Tom

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